What is Venmun

Seth Samuel
5 min readDec 16, 2020


Many have asked the questions:

1. What is Venmun?

2. How does it differ for all the other e-commerce platforms out there

This article is here to help give you a proper understanding of what Venmun is, how it differs from all the other e-commerce platforms and how it can help you sell your products and services.


The name Venmun is from the Spanish. VENdedor MUNdial which means seller world. And this reflects in the idea that its a “one stop shop” for anything you want to buy or sell. Everyone on Venmun sells something being it a product or a service.

Brief History

Venmun is founder in July, 2019 in Nigeria by Seth Samuel. Seth was a developer and wanted to by an headset. He need it urgently as the one he was using was broken. He went from shop to shop in Jos where he is from, to find the model he wanted all without success. The next option obviously, was to go online. He searched for the model on the biggest online e-commerce platform in Nigeria and found the model he wanted but the price was 5,500 NGN instead of 5000 NGN. And the shipping price was 2500 NGN. And it will take at lease a week to get delivered to where he was living. He kept searching and later got the same model of headset that he wanted for 4900 NGN and the location where he got it from was very close to where he lives. And that got him thinking why can’t he create a platform where people could showcase the products they sell and services they offer, so that people that needs those products and services (especially those living close to them) can easily find them. He then built the platform and named it Venmun and later lunched it.

How does it Work

Venmun is patterned after social media platforms. This is to eliminate the learning curve that prevent many people from buying things online. This is to help people that are not that exposed to e-commence platforms to easily get started with the knowledge and experience the already have and to make things easier and faster for all users.

1. The first step as usual it to sign up or login to the platform

2. Creating a post is as easy as clicking the add button at the bottom of the home page and filling the form.

3. There are two types of post. The first on is the normal post for posting products and services. And the other is for adding chores through a feature called (VenChores) so people can do your chores for you and you can do chores for others.

3. Post are arranged chronological and are location based. So the location that you use on your profile will be use. NB: always update your location to your current location.

4. Venmun is designed to give you as much liberty as possible. So the seller’s contacts are there on the page so you could contact them directly, or use one of the payment options they provide.

How does it differ from Conventional E-Commerce websites

Many asks this question a lot. But the thing is; despite the fact that products and services can be bought and sold on Venmun. That doesn’t make it like the other e-commence websites. Venmun is designed to have a market or mall experience instead of a store’s. And just like a market or mall you’ll have to walk in (sign up/sign in), walk around (browse through you feed), find the product or service that you want and make inquires and buy. And just like a market or mall. The platform is more concerned about the seller. That removes the barrier of Conflict of Interest that you’ll find in all of the online stores and e-commence websites out there. VENMUN DOES NOT SELL ANY THING. It only facilitates the process

What kind of products or services are sold on Venmun

By design, anything can be sold or bought on Venmun. As long as it’s legal where you live. If a seller sell’s anything that’s illegal in their region. Venmun will not hesitate to work with the local authorities to give information that will prosecute that seller or buyer.

Venmun is a “one stop shop” for anything and everything you need and want.

Who is Venmun meant for

The philosophy behind Venmun is that everyone has something to sell. And we want to help you get what you want to sell, to the people that wants to buy. And we believe that everyone has something to sell being it a product or a service. YOU HAVE SOMETHING THAT PEOPLE WANT and are willing to pay you for. Let Venmun connect to those people.

How do I start selling and how much does Venmun charge

Like we’ve said above. The moment you register with Venmun, you’re already a seller and a buyer. We don’t have special account for sellers or buyers. And posting your products and services on the platform is free. When people pay for your products or services, we don’t charge you anything for that. We only charge when you’re withdrawing money from your wallet and the charge is 10% of all withdrawals.


In line with our philosophy, there are two key features on Venmun. Posts (where you advertise your products and services) and (VenChores) where you do Chores for people and get paid in the process.

Venmun also is particular about helping businesses to grow. And we have credits and loan options to help businesses.

When you add money to your wallet, Venmun gives you 10% back as credit and you get 25% of all your spending for a month as loan. This is to help you business you and to help you with money when you are most in need of it.

So what are you waiting for. All of these are to help your business benefit and grow and to make running your business easier. Register here https://venmun.com and tell your friends about it.

Venmun: Run you business with Ease



Seth Samuel
Seth Samuel

Written by Seth Samuel

Seth Samuel is the founder and CEO of Venmun and online market place

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