GUERRILLA MARKETING (most cost effect way of marketing)

Seth Samuel
4 min readDec 29, 2020


There is no disputing the fact that Marketing is the most important part of a business. People don’t really buy the best product or service. THEY BUY WHAT THEY KNOW. So the question I want to ask you is: Do people know what you do?
The act of marketing the very hard and simple. But its never easy. It requires skills, tact and most importantly strategy. Marketing is relative. So there is no one “best” way of marketing. There is only the best for your business.
While many MBA and “Big” business people will tell you that just run an ad on TV or social media; I call that lazy marketing. It’s effective to some extends but it requires lots of resources. Now the question is “Do you have the resources to run it?” For me, the best form of marketing is GUERRILLA MARKETING it helps in giving you proper insights about your business and your customers and what they want, what works best and what they went. defines Guerrilla Marketing as the creating use of novel or unconventional methods in order to boost sales or attract interest in a brand or business. These methods are usually creative, innovative and aggressive. The aim is usually to reach as many customer with your product or service with as little cost as possible.
One lesson that I’ve learned when growing is that running ads are crazy expensive. We ran an ad on Facebook and we have a 200:1 visit rate. That means that for us to get one visit to our platform the ad must reach an average of 200 people. But people were liking the ad. But we realized that our referral rate was around 5:1. So we focused our efforts on referrals. Referrals for me is the best best way to get your business out there.
Referrals comes in different ways and forms. One of the most common form is “Influencers marketing”. Social media influencers can get your product out there and quickly. But the problem is that they are also expensive. If money is not a barrier to you, they are a great way to get your product out there. If you’re looking for an easier way to get your product out there, that will be referrals from family and friends. Ask people to talk about your product. It will surprise you to know the number of people that are willing to help and support your business. Ask and it shall be given unto you. The more people talk about your product or service, the more credible people perceive it to be. Think about it, will a business ever say something bad about itself? So people don’t always believe what a business says about itself. But they’ll always believe what others are saying about it, especially those that have used it and are not celebrities. So get as much people to talk about your business as possible.
Endorsement is a another great way to get your business out there, and its important to get as many endorsement as possible. Endorsement is a great way to add your brand’s credibility. Endorsement comes in different ways. It could be a retweet, a feature in an article, a shout out or an official endorsement. No matter the form; try and get influential people in your industry to endorse you. Their words say more about your business than any other’s including yours.
Content is another way of getting your business out there. Content helps you control the way people view your business. There are several ways of marketing with content that it ended up being a form of marketing called “Content Marketing”. Some of the mediums people use includes podcast, articles, blogs and YouTube. Look for what your customers want and give it to them while preaching to them about your product. Say you have a fashion brand, you can create a YouTube channel teaching people about style and dressing. As you’re doing that you can be using some of your clothes to show them how it works. By doing that, you’re creating an image in their head. Not only will they know how that style works. They’ll know it works well or best with your products. Don’t make it too obvious that all you’re trying to doing is show your products, lest it’ll be less effective. But let it come from a perspective that you truly want to help them with knowledge.
Use a many platform as possible to showcase your business. I heard many people say “we have a great social media presence and that’s all I need”. But that’s not true. Get on as many platforms as possible. You’ll never know where someone that needs your service may be. Never underestimate a platform. Guerrilla Marketing helps you understand what works best for your business. Once you figure that out. Look for strategies based on the idea that worked, and go all out for it with as much resources as you have.

I hope this helps. Remember success is not easily achieved.

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Seth Samuel
Seth Samuel

Written by Seth Samuel

Seth Samuel is the founder and CEO of Venmun and online market place

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